Return jewelry

V sootvetstvii s Postanovleniyem Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 19 yanvarya 1998 goda №55 «Ob utverzhdenii pravil prodazhi otdel'nykh vidov tovarov…» ne podlezhat vozvratu ili obmenu «Yuvelirnyye i drugiye izdeliya iz dragotsennykh metallov i (ili) dragotsennykh kamney, ogranennyye dragotsennyye kamni» nadlezhashchego kachestva. Takim obrazom, priobretaya yuvelirnyye izdeliya ne sootvetstvuyushchego razmera, tsveta ili komplektatsii, Vy ne imeyete vozmozhnosti vozvrata ili obmena tovara v sluchaye vyyavleniya v protsesse ekspluatatsii ne ustraivayushchikh Vas kharakteristik. Pred"yavit' pretenzii postavshchiku (prodavtsu) yuvelirnogo izdeliya vozmozhno v srok do polugoda s momenta priobreteniya v tom sluchaye, yesli Vami byl vyyavlen proizvodstvennyy brak v vide skrytogo defekta ili podlog (vvedeniye potrebitelya v zabluzhdeniye putom predostavleniya nedostovernoy informatsii) pri prodazhe yuvelirnogo izdeliya. Fakt nalichiya braka ili podloga dolzhen byt' podtverzhdon provedeniyem sootvetstvuyushchey tovarovedcheskoy ekspertizy. Srok vozvrata ili obmena izdeliya na osnovanii vidimykh defektov ogranichivayetsya 14-yu dnyami, a srok vozvrata na osnovanii vyyavleniya defektov mozhet byt' ogranichen garantiynym srokom ekspluatatsii, ustanavlivayemym proizvoditelem ili prodavtsom (no ne meneye polugoda). V sootvetstvii s Zakonom «O zashchite prav potrebiteley», yesli garantiynyy srok na tovar otsutstvuyet, to srok vozvrata sostavlyayet 2 goda (24 mesyatsa). Takzhe dlya vozbuzhdeniya protsedury obmena ili vozvrata neobkhodimo sokhranit' vse soprovozhdayushchiye pokupku dokumenty (yarlyk, tovarnyy i kassovyy cheki). K naiboleye tipichnym defektam, yavlyayushchimisya prichinoy dlya vozvrata yuvelirnykh izdeliy, v sootvetstvii s otraslevym standartom OST 117-3-002-95 «Izdeliya yuvelirnyye iz dragotsennykh metallov», otnosyatsya: - otsutstviye kleym gosudarstvennoy inspektsii probirnogo nadzora, Rossiyskoy gosudarstvennoy probirnoy palaty (na yuvelirnykh izdeliyakh iz serebra vesom do trokh gramm dopuskayetsya otsutstviye gosudarstvennykh probirnykh kleym); - nalichiye na poverkhnostyakh yuvelirnykh izdeliy (krome izdeliy s emalevymi pokrytiyami) treshchin, rakovin, zausentsev, a na poverkhnostyakh yuvelirnykh ukrasheniy lichnogo pol'zovaniya ne boleye odnoy pory; - zakrepka vstavok v yuvelirnom izdelii, ne isklyuchayushchaya ikh vypadeniye; - konstruktivnyye osobennosti yuvelirnogo izdeliya dolzhny obespechivat' yego pravil'noye raspolozheniye, a konstruktsiya zamkov i zastozhek isklyuchat' ikh samoproizvol'noye otkrytiye. Krome togo, standartom predusmotreny i drugiye vidy defektov, kotoryye mogut yavlyat'sya prichinoy proizvodstvennogo braka.
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55 "On approval of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods ..." are not subject to return or exchange "Jewelry and other products made of precious metals and (or) precious stones, cut gems" of good quality . Thus, acquiring jewelry of an inappropriate size, color, or configuration, you do not have the possibility of returning or exchanging the goods in case of identification of characteristics that do not suit you during operation.

You can make a claim to the supplier (seller) of the jewelry up to six months from the date of purchase if you identified a manufacturing defect in the form of a hidden defect or forgery (misleading the consumer by providing inaccurate information) when selling the jewelry. The fact of having a marriage or forgery must be confirmed by conducting the appropriate merchandising expertise. The period of return or exchange of the product on the basis of visible defects is limited to 14 days, and the period of return on the basis of the detection of defects may be limited by the warranty period of operation established by the manufacturer or seller (but not less than six months). In accordance with the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", if the warranty period for the product is not available, the return period is 2 years (24 months).

Also, to initiate the exchange or refund procedure, it is necessary to keep all documents accompanying the purchase (label, sales and cash vouchers).

 The most typical defects that are the reason for the return of jewelry, in accordance with industry standard OST 117-3-002-95 "Jewelry made of precious metals" include:

- the absence of stamps of the state inspection of assay supervision, the Russian state assay chamber (on silver jewelry weighing up to three grams, the absence of state assay marks is allowed);

- the presence on the surfaces of jewelry (except for products with enamel coatings) cracks, shells, burrs, and on the surfaces of jewelry for personal use no more than one pore;

- fastening of inserts in jewelry, not excluding their loss;

- The design features of the jewelry should ensure its correct location, and the design of locks and clasps to exclude their spontaneous opening.

In addition, the standard provides for other types of defects that may cause production defects.
V soprovoditel'nykh dokumentakh k yuvelirnomu izdeliyu (yarlyk, kassovyy ili tovarnyy chek) dolzhny byt' ukazany sleduyushchiye dannyye: - svedeniya ob izgotovitele; - naimenovaniye yuvelirnogo izdeliya; - artikul; - informatsiya ob osnovnom dragotsennom metalle v splave i yego probe; - massa yuvelirnogo izdeliya v grammakh; - tsena yuvelirnogo izdeliya; - material i osnovnyye kachestvennyye kharakteristiki vstavok v sluchai ikh nalichiya. Tak pri nesootvetstvii proby yuvelirnogo izdeliya, yego massy i/ili materiala vstavok, zayavlennym v dokumentakh, yuvelirnoye izdeliye mozhet byt' vozvrashcheno po prichine predostavleniya nedostovernoy informatsii. Odnako sleduyet prinimat' vo vnimaniye, chto dopustimaya pogreshnost' v opredelenii massy yuvelirnogo izdeliya sostavlyayet 0,1 gramma. Pri otnesenii vyyavlennogo defekta k razryadu dopustimykh ili braku, a takzhe pri opredelenii sootvetstviya zayavlennoy informatsii fakticheskoy, neobkhodimo provesti sootvetstvuyushchiye ekspertizy: - dlya vyyavleniya tekhnologicheskogo braka – tekhnologicheskuyu; - dlya vyyavleniya nesootvetstviya kleym – probirnuyu; - dlya vyyavleniya nesootvetstviya materiala vstavok ili ikh kachestvennykh kharakteristik – gemmologicheskuyu; - pri komplekse faktorov neudovletvoritel'nogo kachestva i nesootvetstviya informatsii, predostavlennoy v dokumentakh, soprovozhdayushchikh prodazhu, fakticheskoy – kompleksnuyu tovarovedcheskuyu. Pri obnaruzhenii defekta, yavlyayushchegosya proizvodstvennym brakom, nesootvetstvii zayavlennoy massy fakticheskoy, otsutstvii probirnogo kleyma, yego fal'sifikatsii ili vyyavlenii nesootvetstviya probirnogo kleyma zayavlennoy probe, a takzhe nesootvetstvii materiala vstavok zayavlennym ili znachitel'nogo raskhozhdeniya real'nykh kachestvennykh kharakteristik vstavok zayavlennym sleduyet nezamedlitel'no obratit'sya k prodavtsu dlya uregulirovaniya voznikshikh pretenziy. Yesli konsensus ne nayden, to sleduyet libo obratit'sya v Obshchestvo zashchity prav potrebiteley ili Rospotrebnadzor, gde vas prokonsul'tiruyut o dal'neyshikh deystviyakh, libo samostoyatel'no predprinyat' mery po protsedure vozvrata ili obmena yuvelirnykh izdeliy. Prezhde vsego, sleduyet sostavit' pis'mo-pretenziyu s ukazaniyem vyyavlennykh defektov ili nesootvetstviya predostavlennoy informatsii, zaverit' kopiyu i otpravit' yego zakaznoy pochtoy, pri etom kvitantsiyu, takzhe kak i vse dokumenty, soprovozhdayushchiye pokupku, sleduyet sokhranit'. Yesli otvet na pis'mo ne poluchen v techenii 30 dney bez uchota dvizheniya pochtovoy korrespondentsii, togda neobkhodimo obrashchat'sya v sudebnyye organy. Pri priobretenii izdeliya na vtorichnom rynke, to yest' v lombardakh, komissionnykh magazinakh, na auktsionakh, vozvrat izdeliya vozmozhen tol'ko pri obnaruzhenii fal'sifikata. Proizvodstvennyye defekty ili defekty, voznikshiye v protsesse bytovaniya v raschot ne prinimayutsya.
In the accompanying documents to the jewelry (label, cash or sales receipt) the following data should be indicated:

- information about the manufacturer;

- name of the jewelry;

- vendor code;

- information about the main precious metal in the alloy and its sample;

- mass of the jewelry in grams;

- the price of jewelry;

- material and the main quality characteristics of inserts in cases of their presence.

 So if the jewelry sample does not conform to its mass and / or insertion material stated in the documents, the jewelry can be returned due to the provision of unreliable information. However, it should be taken into account that the permissible error in determining the mass of the jewelry is 0.1 gram.

 When classifying the identified defect as permissible or defective, as well as in determining whether the stated information complies with the actual information, it is necessary to carry out appropriate examinations:

- to identify technological defects - technological;

- to identify inconsistencies of brand - assay;

- to identify inconsistencies of the material inserts or their quality characteristics - gemological;

- with a complex of factors of unsatisfactory quality and inconsistency of the information provided in the documents accompanying the sale, the actual - complex merchandising.

 If a defect that is a manufacturing defect is found, the claimed mass does not match the actual mass, the absence of the assay mark, its falsification or the discrepancy between the assay mark and the discrepancy between the material of the inserts and the stated claims should immediately contact the seller to resolve the claims . If no consensus is found, then you should either contact the Consumer Protection Society or the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection, where you will be advised on further actions, or you can take steps on the procedure for returning or exchanging jewelry yourself.

First of all, you should make a claim letter indicating the identified defects or inconsistencies of the information provided, certify a copy and send it by registered mail, and the receipt, as well as all documents accompanying the purchase, should be retained.

If the response to the letter is not received within 30 days without taking into account the movement of postal correspondence, then it is necessary to contact the judicial authorities.

When purchasing a product in the secondary market, that is, in pawnshops, thrift stores, at auctions, the product can be returned only if counterfeit is detected. Manufacturing defects or defects arising in the course of existence are not taken into account.
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