Expertise almandine is a procedure for determining its authenticity, quality and, consequently, market value. In the process of special gemological studies, a number of qualitative characteristics of the presented sample are determined - its shape, size, color, purity and perfection of cutting.
How is gemological examination carried out at the Moscow Gemological Center?
Gemological examination in the laboratory of the MGC is carried out in the presence of the client. The laboratory's clients are received by appointment, during which the client is allocated a certain amount of time in accordance with the volume of the proposed work.
The examination is carried out on a collegial basis in accordance with the regulations and methodology for conducting work approved in our organization.
"from simple to complex"

Why is almandine expertise needed and what does it give?
Gemological expertise is most often required during pre-sale preparation, as well as before handing over a precious stone as collateral.
As a result of the examination, it is possible to determine:
- The presence and degree of defects;
- Sample of the stone material;
- Does the sample meet regulatory requirements;
- How much will almandine cost if sold;
- Is it whether almandine is genuine. Nowadays, you can find an imitation or counterfeit made using modern technologies, which is visually indistinguishable from the original stone. Therefore, authenticity can only be confirmed by a specialist;
- Determining the authenticity and quality of almandine often makes it possible to avoid large financial losses. The cost of paying a specialist is much less than the amount of possible damage in the event of selling a piece of jewelry at a reduced price;
- It should be noted that it is impossible to assess the quality of almandine "by eye". Modern synthesis methods make it possible to obtain synthetic materials that can be distinguished from natural ones only with the help of special high-precision equipment.

Types and cost of preliminary examination
Depending on the customer's wishes, examination of precious stones may include various studies:
- Determination of the mineral type of stone or other insert material
- Determination of the insert weight in carats for loose inserts
- Determination of the nature of the insert origin (stone) - natural, synthetic or artificial
- Identification of the presence/absence of refinement
- Determining the mineral type of stone or other insert material
- Determining the estimated weight insert fixed in jewelry, in carats
- Determining the nature of the insert (stone) - natural, synthetic or artificial
- Identifying the fact of the presence/absence of refinement, its type and degree of impact on the cut stone
- Determining quality characteristics according to ISO TR (GIA) standards
- Determining the mineral type of the stone or other material of the insert
- Determining the estimated weight of the insert fixed in the jewelry item, in carats
- Determination of the nature of the insert (stone) - natural, synthetic or artificial
- Identification of the presence/absence of refinement, its type and degree of impact on the cut stone
- Determination of quality characteristics according to the standards of STO MGC, ISO TR (GIA) and in accordance with GOST
- Determination of the region of origin of natural stones, such as emerald, ruby, sapphire, etc. (only for unfastened stones)
- Determination of additional individual characteristics of the stone by means of complex spectral research
Certificate of Conformity

- Mineral type
- Nature of origin
- Mineral variety
- Cut type
- Linear dimensions
- Carat weight
- Color: shade, tone, saturation
- Clarity / transparency
- Fluorescence
- Comments on enhancement
- Photograph
- Deposit
+7 (495) 220 5 220 mail@mgc-labs.ru