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(M-55, "Marquis", "Boat", "Marquise Cut", "Navette Cut")
Cut has the shape of dvupolnye, which explains its second name – "Boat", the type of the cut diamond (wedge-shaped). Faceted stone has 55 facets, 33 facets of the crown (octagonal pad, the top eight wedges of the crown, six main facets of the crown in the form of a rhombus, the two major faces in the form of deltoid, sixteen pair of lower wedges), 22 the pavilion facets (sixteen pairs of wedges of the pavilion and six main pavilion facets in the form deltoid).
Sometimes there are modifications to the 57th faces.
The main elements of the diamond-cut shape "Marquis"
(measurements optimal cut shapes)
The calculation of the weight
Calculate the weight (in carats) of the standard diamond-cut "Marquis" made by the basic formula:
M = L x B x H x k
where M – mass cut diamond, L is the length of the cut of a diamond, the width of the diamond, H be the height of the diamond, k – conversion factor metric measurements using the volume to mass, taking into account the geometry of the cut and the density of diamond is 0,0060
More accurate weight is determined taking into account the amendments on the thickness of the girdle, the convexity of the cut, the size of the faces of the chamfers, the size of the caletta and the ratio of the proportions of the cut.
The story of the creation of this form of diamond cutting legend links with the name of the French king Louis XV and his mistress the Marquise de Pompadour, to which about 1745 was commissioned a diamond of this shape and dedicated to giving her the title is called "Marquise", transformed later in "Marquis".