Grade of jewellery and precious stones is one of the most common types of property valuation. This procedure is necessary for security, the division of property, inheritance, when determining the tax base, the return of the goods, and sometimes just when buying or selling property. An integral part of determining the value of jewelry and gems is the classification of the main consumer properties on a scale of quality gradation.
There are several types of valuation of jewellery, including diamonds and other precious stones.
What is the grade?
- Gemological evaluation determines compliance with gemstones quality characteristics of the scales of gradation of quality, defined in accordance with a particular normative document.
- A comprehensive grade includes material science (gemology, assay, metallurgical), technology, merchandising, art-historical expertise.
- The valuation of the jewelry is made on the basis of the results of Gemological or multiple evaluations, precious stones, based on Gemological reports.
Какая бывает оценка?
- Геммологическая - определяет соответствие ювелирных камней качественным характеристикам шкал градации качества, определённым в соответствии с тем или иным нормативным документом.
Комплексная - включает в себя материаловедческую (геммологическую, пробирную, металловедческую), технологическую, товароведческую, историко-художественную экспертизы.
- Стоимостная - ювелирных изделий производится на основании результатов геммологической или комплексной оценок, драгоценных камней – на основании только геммологических отчётов.
Gemological evaluation
For independent methods and, accordingly, the scale gradations are evaluated diamonds, pearls, jadeite. Other gemstones, including precious, are evaluated according to similar procedures with similar estimated grades. The final document on the results of the work is Gemological report in the form of an opinion or certificate. Also there are other, more detailed, reports.
Gemological evaluation covers a range of expert diagnostic and grade procedures in relation to gemstone jewellery (precious stones including diamonds and other stones that are used as inserts in products) and includes:
- identification of material the jewelry inserts;
- the definition of the nature of the origin of the mineral (material inserts);
- determination of presence and kind of refining stones;
- determination of quality characteristics of the stone in accordance with the chosen grade system.

Comprehensive grade
Determine compliance of jewelry in General, and in particular quality characteristics defined in accordance with used regulations. The final document on the results of the work is the report in the form of an opinion, certificate or report is made in a different form, in accordance with customer requirements and technical regulations of the organization, work on the grade of diamonds, other precious stones, jewelry.
A comprehensive grade of products covers the entire spectrum of expertise related to the product, and includes:
- Gemological evaluation;
- assay examination, and determining the composition of alloy of the precious metal and its compliance with existing samples;
- metallographic examination reveals the presence or absence of defects in the metal structure;
- technological examination, establishing the methodology for the production of jewelry and deviations from standards of manufacture;

- merchandising expertise determining compliance with the basic consumer properties of jewelry required standards and demands for quality jewelry, including the preservation and degree of wear (in the case of the former product in use);
- art-historical examination, indicating the degree of uniqueness or the typicality of jewelry, belonging to a particular temporal and technological-stylistic period, and in some cases, identifying the manufacturer of the product.
This type of work is the most complete, time consuming and expensive. In this regard, it is used only for unique jewelry or articles the value of which can be greatly increased in the presence of the report.
Is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation. As a result of its conduct qualitative characteristics of goods and of precious stones are given monetary value. The final document on the results of the work is to report on the evaluation. The procedure is performed by the evaluator (an individual or legal entity) that demonstrated their competence, apply for the registration in the relevant state and public organizations and insured civil liability.
In determining the value of the jewelry used methods based mainly on the comparison of the estimated object with the selected application, as well as methods based on the calculation of the cost of creating analog or a complete copy of the subject grade. Using the income approach to valuation is bounded and has a scope in respect of products classified as scrap of precious metals and precious stones (diamonds, emeralds, etc.).
When carrying out a complex of works on grade, in most cases, is determined by the market value, but also can be defined and a different kind of cost (e.g. resale or investment value)
In the manufacture of valuing jewelry can be taken into consideration and indexes that reflect the General level of market prices in the market of precious stones and jewelry, such as:
- Rapaport Diamond Report (for diamonds)
- IDEX Diamond Price Index (diamonds)
- The GemGuide (for diamonds and other gemstones)
- Palmieri''s Market Monitor (diamonds and gemstones)
- Michelsen Gemstone Index (for gemstones)