Grade amethyst

Valuation is performed only on the basis of the IGC examination
* in oral form

Assessment amethyst – is one of the most common types of property appraisal. This is a procedure necessary for collateral, division of property, inheritance, determining the tax base, returning goods, and sometimes simply when buying and selling. An integral part of determining the cost of jewelry and precious stones is the classification of the main consumer properties on a quality gradation scale

What does the Amethyst assessment in our laboratory include,
or how is the examination carried out?

After the appointment, the client will be invited to the assessment at our center. All stages of the study take place in the presence of the customer, and they are based on the following approved work procedure:
Amethyst is preliminarily inspected, then its mass is determined, other parameters are measured and the appearance is described.
Special gemological instruments (optical, spectral, etc.) for testing and determination.
Upon completion of diagnostics, amethyst is classified according to quality parameters.
The evaluation process is not only about identifying the cost of expensive materials. During this procedure, all important factors are taken into account (including historical and cultural, as well as aesthetic), and only on their basis a reliable conclusion is given

Why is an assessment of amethyst necessary?

  • Such an analysis is most often performed to establish the degree of value of a material (mineral, gemstone). However, the most popular reason is the insurance and sale of the product;
  • To insure an expensive stone, you will need to provide evidence to the insurer, which will justify the value. Don't forget about another advantage of conducting an assessment:
  • If your product is suddenly lost or becomes the object of theft, the certificate will help with identification in case of discovery.

What types of assessment are there?

Types of Assessment
  1. Gemological - determines the compliance of jewelry stones with the quality characteristics of the quality grading scales determined in accordance with a particular regulatory document.
  2. Comprehensive - includes material science (gemological, assay, metallurgical), technological, commodity, historical and artistic examinations.

  3. Cost - is made on the basis of the results of gemological or comprehensive assessments of precious stones - on the basis of gemological reports only.

The company "MGC" maintains neutrality between the manufacturer, seller and buyer, therefore the clients of "MGC" can be confident in the objectivity and independence of the gemological assessment.
Assessment of other stones