Granate palette

The concept of  "GRANATE" covers a wide range of minerals from different classes of mineralogical classification, united by a common structural motive of the structure of the crystal lattice. The general formula of pomegranates is X3Y2Z3Ф12, where: X - chemical elements in the dodecahedral coordination position, Y - chemical elements in the octahedral coordination position, Z - chemical elements in a tetrahedral coordination position, Φ - O, OH, F. In the conventional sense, garnets include minerals of the silicate class, which have a total ion charge in the "Z" position equal to 12. These are pyrope, almandine, spessartine, uvarovite, grossular, andradite. In addition to the mineralogical names of the mineral species, there are mineral varieties distinguished on the basis of the inclusion of impurity ions in the structure, which determine the peculiarities of the color of garnets. Many mineral varieties bear their own names, which were initially considered commercial, and then gained recognition in mineralogy. These include tsavorite (vanadium-containing grossular, a member of the isomorphic grossular-goldmanite series), mali garnet (a member of the isomorphic grossular-andradite series), malaya garnet (a light-colored variety of orange-pink and purplish-pink colors, pyrope-almandular garnet, and andradite minal), tangerine garnet (reddish-orange variety of spessartine), rosolite or landerite (bright purple-pink variety of grossular). Mineral varieties, initially erroneously identified as independent minerals, include demantoid (chromium-containing andradite, a member of the andradite-uvarovite isomorphic series), hessonite (a low-iron orange variety of grossular), rhodolite (a purple and purple-red variety, a member of the isomorphic pyropyrope series) almandine ... Traditionally, the most expensive varieties are andradite-demantoid and spessartine-malaya, and pyropes with alexandrite color change effect are also high cost. Grossular tsavorites, mandarin garnets and malaya garnets, as well as yellowish green mali garnets are in high demand and, accordingly, the price on the market. Traditional colored garnets such as grossular-hessonite and traditionally colored pyrope are widespread and not very expensive on the market. Dark almandines and orange-red pyropes occupy the lowest value steps in the garnet group.

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