Interesting minerals of charoite rocks. Wade-Wadeite

The mineral vadeite is found in charoitite as an accessory impurity. The largest crystals of this mineral painted in pink and lilac colors, including those suitable for making small faceted stones, were found in the Khibiny alkaline massif. Unfortunately, a small occurrence with large crystals was quickly worked out, however, interesting finds of this mineral are sometimes noted in different parts of the intrusive complex. The mineral was discovered in 1938 in lamproite rock samples collected by Arthur Wade during exploration work in the Walgidee Hills, Kimberley West, Australia. In honor of the author of the find, the mineral was named Vadeite. Arthur Wade (1878-1951) was born in England (Halifax, Yorkshire), received a geological education and taught geology until 1912 at the Royal College of Science, the Royal School of Mines and Liverpool Technical School. From 1907 he also began working in the oil fields as a consultant geologist. In the future, his life was closely associated with the exploration and development of oil fields in Australia, the United States, as well as prospecting and exploration of oil fields in Madagascar, South America and southern Europe, as well as in other regions of the world. Arthur Wade is one of the pioneers in the use of aerial photography for geological exploration.

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