Heat treatment is not always refining

Sometimes gemstones such as garnets, chrysoberyl, some beryls and other minerals may show signs of slight heat treatment, usually not able to affect their color and clarity characteristics. Initially, such a thermal effect was considered as overheating of the stone during cutting, but the fact that it resulted in changes in the entire volume of the stone excludes this possibility. It was hypothesized about the possible impact of retrograde metamorphism, but the study of deliberately rough stones from these deposits did not confirm it. The question remained open until we came across a method of enriching gemstones by heating the host rock. Often such treatment is applied to rocks consisting of hydrous minerals with a useful mineral resistant to slight heating - altered serpentinites and rodingites with garnet and vesuvian, mica with beryl and chrysoberyl, micaceous metasomatites with tourmaline. After such processing, the useful component is relatively easily separated from the host rock, with minimal damage to the stone, without changing the characteristics of color and clarity, however, traces of heat treatment often remain in the stone.

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