Green diamonds are a rare luxury

Natural green diamonds are considered one of the rarest types of diamonds, accounting for less than 0.1% of all surveyed diamonds. Their color is associated either with simple structural defects caused by natural radiation exposure, or with more complex defects associated with impurities of nitrogen, hydrogen or nickel. The following mechanisms of coloring green diamonds are distinguished: absorption by GR1 (General Radiation 1) defects due to radiation damage, green glow due to H3 defects, and absorption due to defects associated with hydrogen or nickel.
Green diamonds are found in both kimberlites and secondary alluvial deposits. The bulk of green diamonds enter the jewelry market from South America and Africa.
Depending on the coloring mechanism, green diamonds have certain microscopic features. In the case of coloring by radiation damage, these are the so-called surface "spots" and internal color zoning. In diamonds colored with H3 defects, a striped pattern of green and non-luminescent stripes can be observed in ultraviolet radiation. In stones rich in hydrogen, microscopic features appear only at sufficiently high concentrations of it and are clouds of light particles with sharp boundaries.
Determining the nature of the color of green diamonds is the main task in their study. This is due to the fact that the green color for diamond can also be obtained by irradiation in laboratory conditions, which has been used since the middle of the 20th century.
The difference in the pricing policy of natural green diamonds and refined diamonds is global, so buyers who want to buy a green diamond should take the research of these stones very seriously in order not to become a victim of scams.

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