
Apatite is widely known as a chemical and agrochemical raw material and is much less common in the jewelry industry.

In the world of stones, there are many minerals and rocks that are not widely known, but are a real rarity, both in gemology and in the world of mineralogy. One of these minerals is yuxporite.

The first cut that bore the name of a flower was the "rose" cut, which was a diamond with one or two convex surfaces covered with facets (flat faces), which were most often triangular in shape.

Faceted sphalerite, having a high refractive index, is characterized by high light dispersion, which determines its good play and is an attractive feature of this stone.

When buying jewelry in a jewelry store, we first of all pay attention to its tag and do not think about the fact that some manufacturers and sellers of jewelry stones use very “incorrect” information when compiling it.