
Among the accessory minerals of charoite rocks, there is such a mineral as dalyite, named in 1952 in honor of the American petrologist Reginald Aldworth Daly (1871-1957).

В 1995 году в честь известного учёного, Виктора Альбертовича Франк-Каменецкого (1915-1994), был назван новый минерал, найденный в чароитах, - франкаменит.

This mineral is also remarkable for its name, which refers us to one of the outstanding naturalists of the late 18th - early 19th centuries - William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828).

Ekanite is found in charoite rocks in the form of an accessory admixture of the smallest grains, but it causes an increased radioactivity of the ornamental stone, since it contains thorium as one of the mineral-forming elements - Ca2Th (Si8O20).

The mineral vadeite is found in charoitite as an accessory impurity.