open 10 am - 7 pm
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Examination of gemstones and other polished inserts
The definition of a gemstones, its origin and methods of refinement, if such has been applied, is one of the main objectives of Gemological expertise by expert Gemological laboratories.
Specialists-gemologists in our laboratory during the examination use specialized diagnostic laboratory equipment, which allows to set the characteristic of the object studied physico-chemical characteristics. Based on these data, guided by information and drawing on personal experience, our experts do a conclusion about the attribution of the specimen to a definite mineral species, having different origin and produced by his external action, in case of detection of characteristic features.
The findings of the Gemological examination is imposed by several experts in a collegial manner to avoid errors of diagnosis.
As a rule, for most purposes Gemological expertise, quite a relatively small amount of optical methods. Recently, however, in connection with the development of technology upgrading of natural stone, and also technologies of production of synthetic and artificial stones, it is increasingly becoming necessary the use of costly spectral methods, which require special in-depth training.
Such research methods may not afford each laboratory. Therefore, when choosing a laboratory, you must collect maximum information about the expert centre and to decide whether it satisfies You on a set of research methods, the availability of expert personnel at the time of application and at the time make an informed decision in respect of the subject examination.